Page name: Storm Lovers Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-24 01:05:42
Last author: maddydukes72
Owner: maddydukes72
# of watchers: 25
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Storm Lovers Unite


Me, [maddydukes72], and [Kurus_Dreaon] love storms. Is there anyone else out there?

hey idk what else to post so feel free to post stuff here, like if theres a storm hitting, or u got ur own storm pix or sumthing

Storm Lovers
Storm Banners

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2004-08-31 [maddydukes72]: awwwww

2004-08-31 [BeuAtiFUl lETdOWN*]: we need rain here it is soooooo dry and hot lol

2004-08-31 [maddydukes72]: its raining here, again wheeeeeeeee!

2004-09-01 [Kurus_Dreaon]: rained REAL hard was great....big storm was fun hehe

2004-09-01 [maddydukes72]: its back to clear weather? awww poo!

2004-09-01 [Spratt]: been hot here which is sorta a nice change i spose

2004-09-01 [Sarah Serenade]: yowch

2004-09-02 [maddydukes72]: im getting cold...damn breeze through this window

2004-09-02 [Kurus_Dreaon]: shut window then?

2004-09-02 [maddydukes72]: cant

2004-09-02 [missfire]: well...its warm and sunny here in ontario....what is this crap

2004-09-02 [Sarah Serenade]: i dont' know... what is this crap?

2004-09-02 [maddydukes72]: STUPID WAMR SUNNY WEATHER!!!

2004-09-02 [Sarah Serenade]: hahaha

2004-09-03 [Kurus_Dreaon]: lol..yes curse it to oblivion

2004-09-03 [Nite_Owl]: i don't like the desert, too hot here in summer and too cold in winter, and we never get snow, only rain, and them it floods... :(

2004-09-03 [Kurus_Dreaon]: aww....well i dont much care for snow....i like rain though

2004-09-03 [maddydukes72]: i hate snow...rain rules

2004-09-03 [Sarah Serenade]: yea it does

2004-09-04 [Nite_Owl]: O.O you don't like snow?! your crazy! we'd kill just to see a few flakes here and there lol

2004-09-04 [Kurus_Dreaon]: i hate the stuff....cold and problematic and makes everything slippery

2004-09-04 [Eloura]: i like snow at times to a exctent

2004-09-04 [Kurus_Dreaon]: i dont...maybe i could iif it was just a tiny bit..but it either doesnt snow or piles on us

2004-09-04 [Eloura]: at times same here.

2004-09-04 [Kurus_Dreaon]: i dont much care for the stuff....cuz i dont like the cold....not all that much anyways

2004-09-04 [Sarah Serenade]: yep

2004-09-05 [Eloura]: ok

2004-09-24 [rustyrose2]: SO! How are ppl??????

2004-09-24 [maddydukes72]: well im good, reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllly good

2004-09-24 [Eloura]: Me also

2004-09-24 [Nite_Owl]: yay, it went to 48 degrees today ^_^ maybe we'll actually have winter this year lol

2004-09-24 [Kurus_Dreaon]: im good i suppose...yep yep

2004-09-26 [♥T.B.S.T.]: HEY HOW R YALL

2004-09-26 [Kurus_Dreaon]: thats awesome...thatd be a fun job

2004-09-26 [Sarah Serenade]: yea it would! i just wouldn't want to be caught up IN a tornado..ouch

2004-09-28 [Phoenix-X]: i get those hurricanes all the time now..hmm can i join?

2004-09-28 [maddydukes72]: of course

2004-09-29 [Sarah Serenade]: yes u can!!!

2004-09-30 [Kurus_Dreaon]: is sweetness.....another member...WOOHOO

2004-09-30 [rustyrose2]: woot!*

2004-10-01 [maddydukes72]: YEAH WORK WOOHOO PARTAY!!! our goal is 100!!!

2004-10-01 [Sarah Serenade]: lol YAA how many do we have?

2004-10-01 [Sarah Serenade]:

2004-10-02 [Kurus_Dreaon]: ettin there....need 18 more...hell at this rate we will have it before november

2004-10-07 [Sarah Serenade]: lol

2004-10-09 [Kurus_Dreaon]: yep how yall doin here?

2004-10-09 [Nite_Owl]: i'm fine, u?

2004-10-10 [blindfold fight-scene]: i have reocurring dreams that i get hit hit by lightning. Does anyone know what that could mean?

2004-10-10 [Nite_Owl]: quote-unquote:"If you see strong lightning in your dream you will find yourself the recipient of a fantastic moneymaking idea that really works. and if you see lightning flash from the sky and strike an object you will have a stroke of good luck. Weak lightning flashes denote general good fortune to the dreamer." that's all i've found so far

2004-10-10 [Nite_Owl]: were there clouds or rain or anything else?

2004-10-10 [Nite_Owl]: oh wait i found one now: "To dream that you are struck by lightning, symbolizes irreversible changes occurring in your life. It is a transformation of sorts."

2004-10-10 [maddydukes72]: where did you find all of that?

2004-10-11 [Nite_Owl]: was one of them, i'll have to find the other one

2004-10-11 [Kurus_Dreaon]: wow.....thats cool

2004-10-11 [Nite_Owl]: yeah, my friend loves that astronomy palm-reading dream-alaysis stuff, but she's not allowed to use the internet so i have to find all of it for her

2004-10-11 [Kurus_Dreaon]: ah i see...tis awesome..ill have to look there lol

2004-10-11 [Nite_Owl]: oh yeah, here's the othere one. it's a little better than the first ^^

2004-10-12 [Kurus_Dreaon]: sweetnes....very awesome go you lol

2004-10-13 [Kanza]: i love stroms i love to stnad outside and let the rain compelety soak thru + thru is wicked especially when its over head and really near!

2004-10-15 [*slipknot-rock*]: hi

2004-10-16 [Kurus_Dreaon]: hey there....welcome......yeah i know...i love the rain

2004-10-17 [maddydukes72]: howdy. we're @ 86!!!!!!! MUAHHA

2004-10-17 [Kurus_Dreaon]: thats awesome...getin up there fasst

2004-10-18 [cutter]: hola i agree with the tital storms are the real nice weather its perfect cuz theres a thunderstorm here in bakersfield

2004-10-19 [maddydukes72]: nice, r u a member?

2004-10-20 [cutter]: i wanna be. can i?

2004-10-20 [Nite_Owl]: yay, it's finally raining! (^,^)

2004-10-21 [maddydukes72]: yes add your name @ Storm lovers

2004-10-21 [Kurus_Dreaon]: yay rain.....i loveth the rain

2004-10-21 [Kanza]: hey am i a member i cant the sound the rain makes...waterfalls aare beautyiful!

2004-10-22 [maddydukes72]: look on the list

2004-11-05 [House for free]: ...`cos for the first time in history, it`s gonna start raining men...*lol*, I`m sorry i just coulden`t help it...hihi (I love stormy weather!!!!)

2004-11-05 [maddydukes72]: have u joined?

2004-11-08 [DarkDeath]: I WANNA JOIN *Sorry for caps*

2004-11-08 [maddydukes72]: ok join then

2004-11-08 [Nite_Owl]: hiya peoples, i is bored...

2004-11-08 [Kurus_Dreaon]: well be un bored

2004-11-08 [maddydukes72]: hablas mucho en aki...that was horrble spanish...sorry

2004-11-08 [Nite_Owl]: what's "en aki"? never heard of that part

2004-11-09 [xdizzygoogirlx]: theres a storm here! its awesome...*is entranced by lovely storm*

2004-11-09 [~wee~]: woot!!...i havent seen a thunderstorm forever *sigh*...they are soo great

2004-11-09 [Nite_Owl]: yeah, it's kinda hard to see those often when you're living aproximately 40 miles from death valley california lol -_-;;

2004-11-09 [~wee~]: aww...that sucks....

2004-11-10 [Nite_Owl]: *sigh* yup...

2004-12-04 [broody hero]: hey can i join this wiki plz

2004-12-05 [Nite_Owl]: sure (^,^) just add your name to Storm Lovers

2004-12-05 [broody hero]: thanks

2004-12-07 [~wee~]: woot!!

2004-12-07 [Nite_Owl]: meep (O,o)

2004-12-07 [~wee~]: meef!! ^^

2004-12-18 [forestfarie]: i love the sound of thunder and i love to see lightning flah!

2004-12-18 [forestfarie]: lol **flash

2004-12-18 [~wee~]: oh oh oh me too ^^

2004-12-18 [Nite_Owl]: who doesn't? ;)

2004-12-19 [~wee~]: ummm boring ppl?

2004-12-19 [forestfarie]: yes only stupid people

2004-12-19 [Nite_Owl]: yup definately stupid lol

2004-12-19 [~wee~]: woo!! ^^

2004-12-21 [alexandra]: i love storms! check my lightning pic! ^_^

2004-12-21 [forestfarie]: nice

2004-12-21 [alexandra]: hee hee thanks im so proud of it!

2004-12-21 [Nite_Owl]: sweeet

2004-12-21 [forestfarie]: it must have been hard to get it right

2004-12-22 [~wee~]: holy crap!! thats so awsome

2004-12-22 [forestfarie]: aint it though

2004-12-22 [alexandra]: oh wow thanks guys! i actually took it by accident. i was trying to get another bolt- the original of this pic is really off center because of it too. :( oh well though. i love the entire thing!!

2004-12-22 [forestfarie]: yeah its snazy

2004-12-23 [~wee~]: yea me too ^^ good work *thumbs up*

2004-12-23 [forestfarie]: i got a pick of one on my home page to

2004-12-23 [alexandra]: *oh so proud smile* thanks

2004-12-23 [~wee~]: woot!! ^^

2004-12-23 [forestfarie]: yeah but i didnt take it. :(

2004-12-24 [alexandra]: o well its still an AWESOME pic! ^_^

2004-12-24 [forestfarie]: i thought so t

2004-12-24 [Fane'que]: I love thunder storms!!!!! MINE!

2004-12-25 [forestfarie]: lol

2004-12-25 [Nite_Owl]: i wish it'd just sprinkle here, let alone with thunder and lightning -_-;; oh well merry christmas all!!

2004-12-25 [forestfarie]: Yes Have A Very Merry Christmas!

2004-12-25 [alexandra]: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

2004-12-25 [Nite_Owl]: YAY FOR PRESENTS!!!!!! (^,^)

2004-12-26 [forestfarie]: yup yup

2004-12-27 [alexandra]: ^_^

2004-12-28 [Kanza]: bit late!


2004-12-29 [forestfarie]: This year went by real fast!

2004-12-29 [Nite_Owl]: yeah it did

2004-12-29 [alexandra]: oh yeah it went by soooo fast!

2004-12-30 [forestfarie]: yup yup

2004-12-30 [alexandra]: wow... and to think. IM ALMOST A SENIOR! ^_^ yay yay yay!

2004-12-30 [~wee~]: awww...i wish i was a senior vv

2004-12-31 [forestfarie]: me to

2004-12-31 [alexandra]: me three. im not one yet... *frown*

2004-12-31 [~wee~]: crap...but your almost one

2005-01-03 [alexandra]: hee hee. i know!

2005-01-03 [forestfarie]: im not, o well

2005-01-04 [~wee~]: me either

2005-01-06 [DarkDeath]: I am a damn freshman

2005-01-06 [DarkDeath]: lol

2005-01-06 [~wee~]: well crap.....that does suck...but its ookay

2005-01-06 [forestfarie]: im a fresh one to lol

2005-01-06 [Nite_Owl]: i'm not even a freshman yet LOL probably the youngest person here :P

2005-01-06 [forestfarie]: o well

2005-01-06 [Kanza]: well im not american so i wont know about which year ur tlkin on about! in year 11 which im taking a stab its the year after being a sophormore..if thats how u spel it

2005-01-06 [forestfarie]: yeah thats what u would b here

2005-01-06 [Nite_Owl]: same as my brother. guess that just makes me year 8 i suppose....don't know for sure though

2005-01-06 [forestfarie]: so ur 1 year form a fresh man

2005-01-07 [Nite_Owl]: yep

2005-01-07 [forestfarie]: yep yep

2005-01-07 [Nite_Owl]: but it's kinda good, cause we're the oldest in the scool ^_^

2005-01-07 [forestfarie]: kewl kewl

2005-01-13 [Panda-monium]: We had an awesome winter thunderstorm last night. ^_^

2005-01-14 [forestfarie]: wow kewl, well its like summer here :(

2005-01-14 [Panda-monium]: lol, oh, well Summer is good for thunderstorms, but it was awesome. And I live near the water so I get awesome storm effects. ^_^

2005-01-14 [forestfarie]: oo thats snazy

2005-01-14 [Panda-monium]: *nods* Yup

2005-01-14 [Nite_Owl]: coolies (^,^) we finally got SNOW!!!!!! IT'S A MIRACLE!!! we haven't had snow that actually stuck to the ground in like 5 or 6 years LOL

2005-01-14 [Panda-monium]: lol, awesome

2005-01-14 [kumiko fox_demon]: x_x We rarly get storms, but we get alot of rain!

2005-01-14 [Panda-monium]: aww, that sucks

2005-01-14 [kumiko fox_demon]: last storm we got though, lightning struck right up in the field (nearby house) next to the horses (they were in the barn o_o )

2005-01-14 [alexandra]: our last storm was a little while ago... there was snow on the ground and it was thundering and there wre flashes of lightning... it was so weird. nice tho... i miss thunder storms in the winter

2005-01-14 [forestfarie]: well we had a storm last night! woohoo, but no snow

2005-01-17 [kumiko fox_demon]: we have lots of ice right now

2005-01-18 [alexandra]: i know the feeling. i hate ice... i love rain, expecially when its WARM!!

2005-01-20 [forestfarie]: i hate ice to, but i have never seen snow

2005-01-20 [alexandra]: woah thats freaky... never seen snow but you have ice??? what sense does that make!?

2005-01-20 [alexandra]: im anxiously waiting for april and may and i guess feb. too so we can have good STORMS! again!!! ^_^ i miss them... *tear*

2005-01-27 [Ophelia_Ogaard]: I miss our storms here too. I love then! ^_^

2005-01-29 [whiskey_girl]: Hey every1 whats^up

2005-01-31 [alexandra]: nm.... what kinda whisky you like?? ^_^ i love!

2005-02-02 [House for free]: I LOVE thunderstorms... how do I become a member here?

2005-02-03 [Nite_Owl]: edit the Storm Lovers page with your name and stuff, basically. don't think you have to do anything else

2005-02-27 [~Nyx~]: thunderstorms gives me peace of mind

2005-02-27 [Panda-monium]: I wouldnt mind a big storm right now...I'd go out and stand in it and pray I was hit by lightning. -_- But storms are awesome

2005-02-27 [Nite_Owl]: yeah it rained here for a while finally, and everyone loved it :D

2005-02-28 [House for free]: thank you. :D

2005-02-28 [~Nyx~]: lucky you! here it`s snowing, and boring. Not even a gentle breeze... We only get stormy weather in summer.

2005-02-28 [alexandra]: i know the feeling

2005-02-28 [Nite_Owl]: we don't see a single cloud in summer until like february, which has just passed and of course so have the clouds *sigh* if we had snow here, every person in the city would be running around in it LOL

2005-03-04 [kumiko fox_demon]: Sunney ness o.o x_x

2005-03-04 [~Nyx~]: I miss thunder and lightning... and Wind (lots of it!!!)

2005-03-05 [Nite_Owl]: you miss wind? why?

2005-03-05 [kumiko fox_demon]: o.o The wind is the best ^_^

2005-03-05 [Nite_Owl]: O_O gawd, we hate it here, it's windy every single day and every time you turn on the Weather Channel, it always say "wind advisory! 50mph+ wind, please watch for felled trees and flying tumbleweeds blah-blah-blah..." lol

2005-03-05 [~Nyx~]: I love wind! Thunder and lightning is not much fun without strong wind... it creates movement in it all ^^ (=FUN!!!) 

2005-03-07 [kumiko fox_demon]: ^_^

2005-03-07 [~Nyx~]: am I making any sence?

2005-03-07 [Nite_Owl]: O_o i still don't get it but...meh, whatever...

2005-03-08 [maddydukes72]: is my little wiki fmaily doing?

2005-03-08 [Nite_Owl]: special!

2005-03-08 [maddydukes72]: oh are you? loverly!

2005-03-09 [Nite_Owl]: horray! i'm gonna sing a song now...i feel pretty! oh so pretty! i feel pretty, and wity, and GAY!!! :D and i pity any girl who isn't me today...lalalalala-la-la-la-lala!!!

2005-03-09 [maddydukes72]: o man dont get me started, i was actually in that musical

2005-03-09 [Nite_Owl]: LOL really?? poor person...:D:D hehehe

2005-03-10 [maddydukes72]: nah it was fun, i was a Jet

2005-03-11 [~Nyx~]: what musical?

2005-03-11 [Nite_Owl]: westside story, right? yeah i've never seen all of it before

2005-03-11 [maddydukes72]: oo, well its good, for a musical, if u like musicals

2005-03-11 [Nite_Owl]: sometimes, sometimes not. i've never been to an actual real musical before. just the ones at our performing arts center

2005-03-12 [maddydukes72]: ooo thats cool

2005-03-12 [~Nyx~]: I love musicals :D my mom took me to see the phantom of the opera on my birthday last year. I loved it!!!

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